Tales from the Grave enters Genealogy list
Updated: Mar 4, 2021
It's been 15 months now since I established my newspaper column Tales from the Grave as a website. It's been only 3 months since I started the Tales' Facebook page. Unfortunately due to some unfortunate disagreements between Australia and Mark Zuckerberg, all posts on the Facebook page have since been deleted. I have sent them a strong email and hopefully new agreements will change that status.

Exploring cemeteries for Tales from the Grave. Photo: Mark Elley
Meanwhile, the website is growing steadily. Firstly, with recognition from Newscorp's My Tributes website, who now commission me to write regular intriguing stories of those now resting down under. The other great news for Tales is the website has been listed in Feedspot's top 100 Genealogy Blogs list .
The website started at 15th and was the first Australian site on the list last week. I would like to thank all my regular readers and subscribers for helping to make Tales from the Grave a mover and shaker in the genealogical world.
As something of a post script. In the recent 'warfare' between the Australian Government and owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, posts from Tales from the Grave's Facebook page were taken hostage. Negotiations went well and all prisoners were released and are back on the page for all to read.
Here's to more stories from our ancestors as we undig the past.